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Summer events and new training opportunities


Members of the EvoGenomics.AI network have been busy this Summer!

Aurelien and Matteo co-organised a symposium at the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE) virtual meeting which took place in July. The symposium, titled “Machine learning applications in population genetics and phylogenomics” was co-organised with Tal Pupko and Dan Schrider.

Among all contributions, Flora delighted the audience with an invited talk, while Alex Mas Sandoval and Jean Cury gave an oral and poster presentation, respectively. Lively discussions on the promises and future of ML applications in evolutionary genomics kept all speakers busy after their talks! Video records of oral presentations are currently still available at (Symposium 8).

In August, Matteo gave the invited final talk at the International Gene Forum conference, virtually held in Estonia on “Deep learning in population genomics: can AI solve the unsolvable?”. The meeting gathered more than 300 attendees and discussions centered around the use of genomics in biomedical and clinical sciences. Matteo’s contribution sparked a debate on how ML algorithms in evolutionary genomics can be transferred to other systems and applications.

We are now working on producing training and educational material to showcase some of our recent findings and implementations of AI algorithms for genomic data. For instance, Matteo and Flora will be teaching at the Virtual School in “Inference of demography and selection using full genome data” as part of the DFG-funded “Rapid evolutionary adaptation - Potential and constraints” programme co-organised by Aurelien. Flora has also organised the online thematic school in bioinformatics and machine learning on "Graph as models in life sciences: Machine learning and integrative approaches" by Labex DigiCosme to be held in October.

We are also looking forward to future dissemination events. If you don’t want to miss them out, please do not forget to subscribe to our newsletter!

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